Programming is needed also during army service
In a few days our student Hamlet will start his army service but will not be far from programming. Through participation in the contest by the Ministry of Defense, Hamlet used knowledge, gained at Microsoft Innovation Center, developed a program, which calculates data, solves artillery-related issues, codes them.There were many participants of the contest and tough selection. The participants had to pass interviews with various jury members. The best 10 participants were selected and our student Hamlet was the fourth and was selected to serve in the army as a developer, profession, which he learnt during one year.
'I learnt about Microsoft Innovation Center through Facebook. In January, 2016 I was looking for an organization, where I could enrich my knowledge and skills in programming. I decided to take courses in C#. At MIC I passed the training courses, afterwards participated in the coding bootcamp and learnt 'real' programming, team work, gained experience of working with professional, international specialists.
I think that the success of training courses at MIC is that the training programs are correctly developed. At MIC students learn what is needed at that moment, as lecturers, who train us, work at various professional companies and know what is needed for a developer. Programming is the present and the future for all of us, and I would highly recommend all students to come to MIC and learn programming.'